After a long period of developing and testing MEC started serial production and sales of the 1 kW Free Piston Stirling Engine in 2010. Combined with the burner, controllers and heat exchanger also developed by Microgen, this MEC 1 kW engine shapes the heart of a huge number of Domestic Combined Heat Power Applications that have since been installed by heating companies around Europe. Thousands of these devices are now in use in household environments and have made hundreds of millions of run hours.

Why Microgen Engine Corporation?
- We are the only company in the world with years of experience in the serial production and application of Stirling engines in a domestic Heat & Power environment and rapidly increasing experience in other application areas.
- We are familiar with all challenges that come with the production of Stirling engines.
We know all specific considerations that should be taken into account when using the Stirling engine, either in a domestic or a remote environment. - We can boast of a proven track record of maintenance-free and fail-free life of our 1 kW engine. Since 2010 thousands of our units have been installed, with hundreds of millions of run hours of experience.
- We have a profound and thorough knowledge of Stirling, controls and burner technology, which is shown in the large number of patents we have acquired.
- We are familiar with the specific problems that can arise when using biofuels and alternative fuels and have developed solutions that work.

Contact us
+31 (0)85 489 1390